Andrea: We fight each other over stupid things
Gay: What stupid things?
Sharon: Lipstick
Gay: Jim fights you over lipstick?
Sharon: All the time
Andrea: He just can't leave it alone
Jim: That's it, the secret's out!
Caroline: He keeps trying on my dresses
Gay: Did Mammy & Daddy, Gerry & Jean did they teach you all you know?
Andrea: ...Yes
Gay: There was a desperate silence there for a moment
Caroline: We have to apologise to our parents for the dreadful hesitation, yes of course.
(On sucking her thumb)
Andrea: It's something that I did since I was a baby. So I've done it my whole life. I really never had a reason for giving
it up and my mother didn't make me stop. Also, sucking my thumb comforts me. It helps me fall asleep. If I get tired the first
thing I do is put my thumb in my mouth. But I don't think it's because I am insecure. It's just very comforting and I love
it. I can't give it up.
Andrea: Oh, my God! I've had people pull my thumb out of my mouth.
Int: Try putting Tabasco sauce on your thumb. That usually does the trick.
Andrea: Why? It's not like I want to stop.
Sharon: It's not like it's bad for you.
Andrea: [Laughs] Well actually, I have broken a few nails!
Int: Besides sucking your thumb, I understand that Andrea hasn't had a relationship in years. Doesn't that get lonely?
Sharon: She's gay.
Andrea: I am not!
Sharon: Sorry, I'm only joking! I'm really joking. But wouldn't that be fun if it got out?
Andrea: Well, I'm absolutely not gay!
Int: Maybe you're Bi?
Andrea: No, it's clear cut for me I'm afraid...I'm totally into women! Seriously I have a very strong belief in relationships.
But it has to be with the right person. I'm not the kind of person who can have many boyfriends. It has to be a relationship
that will last or nothing. Sure, when I go home there might be someone that I think of and it might be nice to have them with
me. But I'm always touring and I don't want to feel the pain of loving and missing somebody. It's just not natural when you're
in love with somebody not to be with them. But I would sacrifice it all if I met the right guy.
Andrea: Would you like some more tea with your sugar?
Andrea: I'm always getting lost... losing things... the others have to put a leash on me...
Tell us a secret about each of you!
Sharon: None of us has stolen each other's boyfriends or anything scandalous like that, but Caroline sniffs her jumpers
all the time.
Caroline: This is so embarrassing! I've been exposed as a secret jumper sniffer. It's like a comforter. I do it when I'm
watching TV, but Andrea sucks her thumb - and in public!
Andrea: When we were in the States recently, someone pulled our manager aside and suggested I go into therapy for it.
They thought I had problems!
Jim: Sharon used to love Paul Young big time - she had posters of him everywhere. We met him recently on a TV show. If
only he knew how silly she used to get over him.
Caroline: Jim's best friend is his mobile phone. He loves it and literally sleeps with it! I'd go so far as to say he
has an improper relationship with it.
Who had the best school reports?
Sharon: Andrea's were definitely the best and Jim's were the worst. He lost interest because he was really into being
a mod.
Jim: Strangely enough I was often single during that period of my life!
Who is the best and worst with money?
Jim: Andrea is the most likely to lose money, but Sharon can beat her on spending. Her mobile phone bill is the largest
by miles.
Sharon: That's not true, your last one was £600 for the month! I'm very organised with my finances.
Who has the most annoying habits?
Jim: All of the girls. I'm always waiting for them - it drives me mad. It's like being married three times over.
Andrea: Have you ever considered how annoying it is to have to spend so long getting ready? You're lucky - you don't have
to think about make-up and all that girl's stuff.
Jim: Fair point.
Who's most romantic?
Jim: Andrea is the most romantic - she translates into her lyrics.
Andrea: Jim's right - you can hear it when I write a song. But that can be embarrasing. On our first single I wrote: 'Make
love to me through the night,' and when I sang it in front of my parents, I had to turn away. I knew my mother would be thinking:
'Where did she learn that?'
Do you vet each other's partners?
Jim: The girls would never tell me if they didn't like a girl I was seeing, but they'd secretly talk about it.
Andrea: I've never disliked anyone they have dated. In fact, one of Sharon's ex-boyfriends was really cute. I had a crush
on him when I was a kid.
Who is the bossiest?
Sharon: It's me, but I like to think of myself as organised rather than bossy.
Andrea: She makes lists and holds the passports and tickets when we're travelling. She can't help herself.
Who used to grass to your parents?
Jim: Sharon probably grassed on me and with good reason most of the time.
Caroline: Andrea used to snitch on me.
Andrea: You're making it up! What have you just done by answering that question? You've become a grass!
Andrea: Oh'll have to excuse the post-tour voice. We've all just done four nights in a row of so much touring!
Int: I was gonna say...
Sharon: ...and I've just realized my voice is gone! And yours is going!
Andrea: I used to be pure! (laughs)
Int: Another thing Andrea...why do you take your clothes off when you sing?
Andrea: 'Cos I get hot!
Did any of you have to share a room?
Andrea: Caroline and I shared a bed and you wouldn't believe what she used to do. She'd make her side of the bed and leave
mine unmade.
Caroline: You drove me to it! That was after months of frustration. Andrea's side of the room was like a tip and I had
to live in it. I couldn't get the door open for the mess! I was trying to make a point, but I guess I was being a bit of an
Andrea: I was actually a little worried about her sanity at the time!
Andrea: "You want more?"
Crowd: "YEEAAAH!!!!"
Andrea: "Ok here's more! Let's skip the 'walk off the stage' bit"
Andrea: "Hello Adelaide! It's so nice to see you again... if only I could see you (the spotlight right in her face)"
(On having children)
Andrea.'I never said only in the context of marriage' she responds. 'I believe marriage is sacred and would prefer to
get married but I do think people can make steady, committed relationships and not sign those papers. Daddy will be very upset
to hear me say that! Sorry, daddy! But, plan-wise, I am getting married and having babies.
Andrea: 'Can I remember what it felt like when my breasts started to grow?. No, I'm still waiting!.'
Andrea: I was not meant for public transport.
Int: Who is the worst person you've ever sat next to on a plane?
Sharon: brother.
Sharon: I'm sure it's bizarre, but, ah, it's fun, it's great. Like dressing up and getting make up done. It's good fun.
Caroline: It sucks!
Andrea: If I never had a boyfriend in my life, I'd be saving myself for you.
Jim: Remember when you were coming down the stairs? That guy over there - see that guy there - he got a picture of you
when your skirt went way up.
Sharon: Yeah, right.
Jim: I swear to God he did!
Caroline: You can only see me at this time of the morning with the glasses on.
Gerry Corr (to his kids after their Dundalk concert): Well those terrifying piano lessons have finally paid off at last.
Andrea (to camera): You don't know the story of the terrifying piano lessons!!
Andrea: It's not good enough.
David: Huh?
Andrea: It's just not good enough.
D: Sorry's not good enough?
Andrea: No!
D: Oh boy.
Andrea: (after not being able to perform the American National Anthem cause of sound difficulties)'I should've handed
him the mic - 'here you go fruitcake, you go on!''
Sharon (on being suspended in school): 'It was because I mitched (bunked off). I only did it twice and I got caught twice.
That's me all my life. I always got caught and I rarely did anything wrong,'
Andrea: I can't read - whose writing is this? Oh, hang on, it's mine.
Andrea: 'I like black. It creates an...atmosphere...'
Caroline: 'Of death!!!'
Lily: Do you miss each other when you are separated?
Caroline: We are NEVER separated!! (laughs)
Int: Oh come on, you aren't that short.
Andrea: No, just...'vertically challenged'.
Int: Do you ever get drunk?
Caroline: Waking up with a bad head in the morning is difficult sometimes.
Andrea: Caroline, you weren't worried about that the other night!
Caroline: Hey Andrea!!!!